Comunicado extra-oficial de Viggo Mortensen
    A través de la web Musings of Viggo, Viggo Mortensen hace la siguiente declaración. "Durante los pasados años he intentado hacer el esfuerzo de leer y contestar cada carta de los fans que he recibido. Últimamente, el volumen se ha incrementado notablemente haciendo imposible responder a todos personalmente.....Siento que me queda poco tiempo o ninguno para hacer otras cosas.... Por ello, y como no quiero que nadie conteste por mí, no tengo otra opción que no admitir más correo a partir del 31 de Octubre de 2002..... Seguiré firmando autógrafos en persona como siempre he hecho."
    A continuación tenéis todo el texto completo.
A message from Viggo (Yes, it is genuine): Over the years I have made the effort to read and answer every piece of fan mail that I received. Lately, however, the volume of mail has increased significantly making it practically impossible to keep up with it all and to respond to each piece personally. Although I am grateful for the favorable response that those of us involved in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy have had, it is simply become a bit overwhelming. I find that I have little or no time left for other pursuits and have little free time left for art projects or for spending time with friends and family. Therefore, as I do not wish to have mail answered for me by others, I have no choice but to say that I will no longer be accepting fan mail after October 31, 2002. Please do not send anymore letters or cards as it will not be answered. I will, however, continue to honor requests for autographs in person as I have always done. I thank you for your support and kind thoughts. Viggo