Las Dos Torres - Versión Extendida - Inglés
Transcripción: Catwise
Frodo: Gandalf!
Gandalf: You cannot pass!
Frodo: Gandalf!
Gandalf: I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor.
Go back to the Shadow
The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn!
Gandalf: You shall not pass!
Boromir: No! No!
Frodo: Gandalf!
Gandalf: Fly, you fools.
Frodo: Noooo!
Frodo: Gandalf!
Sam: What is it, Mr. Frodo?
Frodo: Nothing.Just a dream.
Sam: Can you see the bottom?
Frodo: No! Don`t look down, Sam! Just keep going!
Sam: Catch it! Grab it, Mr. Frodo!
Mr. Frodo!
Frodo: I think I`ve found the bottom.
Sam: Bogs and rope, and goodness knows what. It`s not natural. None of it.
Frodo: What`s in this?
Sam: Nothing. Just a bit of seasoning. I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or something.
Frodo: Roast chicken?!
Sam: You never know.
Frodo: Sam. My dear Sam.
Sam: It`s very special, that. It`s the best salt in all the Shire.
Frodo: It is special. It`s a little bit of home.
We can`t leave this here for someone to follow us down.
Sam: Who`s gonna follow us down here, Mr. Frodo?
It`s a shame, really. Lady Galadriel gave me that. Real Elvish rope. Well, there`s nothing for it. It`s one of my knots. Won`t come free in a hurry.
Frodo: Real Elvish rope.
Sam: Mordor. The one place in Middle-earthwe don`t want to see any closer. And it`s the one place we`re trying to get to. It`s just where we can`t get. Let`s face it, Mr. Frodo, we`re lost. I don`t think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.
Frodo: He didn`t mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam... but they did.
Sam: Mr. Frodo? It`s the Ring, isn`t it?
Frodo: It`s getting heavier.
What food have we got left?
Sam: Let me see. Oh, yes. Lovely. Lembas bread. And look! More lembas bread.
I don`t usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff, it`s not bad.
Frodo: Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, Sam?
Sam: Those rain clouds might.
Sam: This Looks strangely familiar.
Frodo: It`s because we`ve been here before. We`re going in circles.
Sam: Agg, What is that horrid stink? I warrant there`s a nasty bog nearby. Can you smell it?
Frodo: Yes. I can smell it. We`re not alone.
Gollum: The thieves. The thieves. The filthy Little thieves.Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us. My precious.Cruse them, we hates them! It`s ours, it is, and we wants it!
Frodo:This is Sting. You`ve seen it before...haven`t you, Gollum? Release him or I`ll cut your throat.
Gollum: It burns! It burns us! It freezes! Nasty Elves twisted it. Take it off us!
Sam: Quiet, you! It`s hopeless. Every Orc in Mordor`s going to hear this racket.
Let`s just tie him up and leave him.
Gollum: No! That would kill us! Kill us!
Sam: It`s no more than you deserve!
Frodo: Maybe he does deserve to die. But now that I see him, I do pity him.
Gollum: We be nice to them if they be nice to us. Take it off us. We swears to do what you wants. We swears.
Frodo: There`s no promise you can make that I can trust.
Gollum: We swears to serve the master of the precious. We will swear on... on the precious.
. ¡Gollum! ¡Gollum!
Frodo: The Ring is treacherous. It will hold you to your word.
Gollum: Yes, on the precious. On the precious.
Sam: I don`t believe you! Get down! I said, down!
Frodo: Sam! Sam!
Sam: He`s trying to trick us. If we let him go, he`ll throttle us in our sleep.
Frodo: You know the way to Mordor?
Gollum: Yes.
Frodo: You`ve been there before?
Gollum: Yes.
Frodo: You will Lead us to the Black Gate.
Gollum: To the Gate, to the Gate! To the Gate, the master says. Yes!
No! We won`t go back. Not there. Not to him. They can`t make us. Gollum! Gollum!
ut we swore to serve the master of the precious.
No. Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits. And Orcses, thousands of Orcses. And always the Great Eye watching, watching.
Sam: Hey! Come back now! Come back!There! What did I tell you? He`s run off, the Old villain. So much for his promises.
Gollum: This way, Hobbits. Follow me!
Pippin: Merry. Merry.
Grishnákh: You`re Late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now.
Uglúk: I don`t take orders from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them.
Sam: Merry! Merry? Wake up.
My friend is sick. He needs water. Please!
Uglúk: Sick, is he? Give him some medicine, boys!
Pippin: Stop it!
Uglúk: Can`t take his draught!
Pippin: Leave him alone!
Uglúk: Why?
You want some? Then keep your mouth shut.
Pippin: Merry.
Merry: Hello, Pip.
Pippin: You`re hurt.
Merry: I`m fine. It was just an act.
Pippin: An act?
Merry: See? I fooled you too. Don`t worry about me, Pippin.
Mauhúr: What is it? What do you smell?
Uglúk: Man-flesh.
Mauhúr: They`ve picked up our trail.
Pippin: Aragorn.
Mauhúr: Let`s move!
Aragorn: Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent. Hurry!
Legolas: Come on, Gimli!
Gimli: Three days and nights pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry, but what bare rock can tell.
Aragorn: Not idly do the Leaves of Lórien fall.
Legolas: They may yet be alive.
Aragorn: Less than a day ahead of us. Come.
Legolas: Come, Gimli! We`re gaining on them!
Gimli: I`m wasted on cross-country. We Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances.
Aragorn: Rohan. Home of the Horse-Lords. There`s something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us.
Legolas! What do your Elf-eyes see?
Legolas: The Uruks turn northeast. They are taking the Hobbits to Isengard.
Aragorn: Saruman.
Saruman: The world is changing. Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor? To stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman and the union of the two towers? Together, my Lord Sauron we shall rule this Middle.
The Old World will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fists of the Orc.
I want them armed and ready to march within two weeks!
Orco: But, my Lord, there are too many! We cannot all be armed in time, we don`t have the means.
Saruman: Build a dam, block the stream, work the furnaces night and day.
Orco: We don`t have enough fuel to feed the fires.
Saruman: The Forest of Fangorn lies on our doorstep. Burn it.
Orco: Yes.
Dunledino: We will fight for you.
Saruman: Swear it.
Dunledino: We will die for Saruman.
The Horse-Men took your Lands. They drove your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks.
Salvajes: Murderers!
Saruman: Take back the Lands they stole from you. Burn every village!
We have only to remove those who oppose us.
It will begin in Rohan. Too long have these peasants stood against you. But no more.
Mujer: ¡Éothain! ¡Éothain! You take your sister. You`ll go faster with just two.
Freda: Papa says Éothain must not ride Garulf. He is too big for him.
Mujer: Listen to me. You must ride to Edoras and raise the alarm. Do you understand me?
Éothain: Yes, Mama.
Freda: I don`t want to Leave. I don`t want to go, Mama.
Mujer: Freda, I will find you there.
Quickly! Go, child.
Saruman: Rohan, my lord, is ready to fall.
Éomer: Théodred. Find the king`s son!
Rohir: Mordor will pay for this.
Éomer: These Orcs are not from Mordor.
Rohir2: My Lord Éomer, over here!
Éomer: He`s alive.
Éowyn: Théodred.
Your son is badly wounded, my lord.
Éomer: He was ambushed by Orcs. If we don`t defend our country, Saruman will take it by force.
Gríma: That is a lie. Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally.
Théoden: Grima... my son... Gríma.
Éomer: Orcs are roaming freely across our Lands. Unchecked. Unchallenged. Killing at will. Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saruman.
Gríma: ¿Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind? Can you not see? Your uncle is wearied by your malcontent, your warmongering.
Éomer: Warmongering?How Long is it since Saruman bought you?What was the promised price, Gríma? When all the Men are dead, you will take your share of the treasure?
Too Long have you watched my sister. Too Long have you haunted her steps.
Gríma: You see much, Éomer, son of Éomund. Too much. You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan and all its domains
under pain of death.
Éomer: You have no authority here. Your orders mean nothing.
Gríma: This order does not come from me. It comes from the king. He signed it this morning.
Gimli: Keep breathing. That`s the key.
Legolas: They`ve run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them.
Orco: We`re not going no further until we`ve had a breather.
Uglúk: Get a fire going!
Pippin: Merry! Merry!
Merry: I think we might have made a mistake leaving the Shire, Pippin.
Pippin: What`s making that noise?
Merry: It`s the trees.
Pippin: What?
Merry: You remember the Old Forest, on the borders of Buckland?Folk used to say there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall and come alive.
Pippin: Alive?
Merry: Trees that could whisper, talk to each other even move.
Uglúk: I`m starving. We ain`t had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days.
Orco: Yeah!Why can`t we have some meat?! What about them? They`re fresh.
Uglúk: They are not for eating.
Grishnak: What about their legs? They don`t need those. They Look tasty.
Uglúk: Get back, scum!
The prisoners go to Saruman. Alive and unspoiled.
Grishnákh: Alive? Why alive? Do they give good sport?
Uglúk: They have something. An Elvish weapon.. The master wants it for the war.
Pippin: They think we have the Ring.
Merry: Sshh, As soon as they find out we don`t, we`re dead.
Orco: Just a mouthful. a bit of the flank.
Uglúk: Looks Like meat`s back on the menu, boys.
Merry: Pippin. Let`s go.
Grishnákh: Go on. Call for help. Squeal. No one`s going to save you now.
Merry: Pippin!
Legolas: A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.
Aragorn: Riders of Rohan! what news from the Mark?
Éomer: What business does an Elf, a Man and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!
Gimli: Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine.
Éomer: I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a Little higher
from the ground.
Legolas: You would die before your stroke fell.
Aragorn: I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn.This is Gimli, son of Glóin, and Legolas of the Woodland Realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Théoden, your king.
Éomer: Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe. Not even his own kin. Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed Lordship over these lands.My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say as an Old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere, his spies slip past our nets.
Aragorn: We are no spies. We track a party of Uruk-hai westward across the plain.
They have taken two of our friends captive.
Éomer: The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night.
Gimli: But there were two Hobbits. Did you see two Hobbits with them?
Aragorn: They would be small. Only children to your eyes.
Éomer: We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them.
Gimli: Dead?
Éomer: I am sorry. Hasufel! Arod! May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters. Farewell. Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these Lands. We ride north!
Gimli: It`s one of their wee belts.
Legolas: Hiro hyn hîdh ab`wanath (Encuentra la paz después de la muerte)
Gimli: We failed them.
Aragorn: A Hobbit lay here. And the other. They crawled. Their hands were bound. Their bonds were cut. They ran over here. They were Followed.
Merry: The belt! Run!
Aragorn: Tracks Lead away from the battle into Fangorn Forest.
Gimli: Fangorn... What madness drove them in there?
Pippin: Did we lose him?
Merry: I think we lost him.
Grishnákh: I`m going to rip out your filthy little innards! Come here!
Merry: Trees. Climb a tree.
Merry: He`s gone.
Pippin: Merry!
Grishnákh: Let`s put a maggot hole in your belly!
Pippin: Run, Merry!
Bárbol: Little Orcs., hurrarrum.
Pippin: It`s talking, Merry. The tree is talking.
Bárbol: Tree? I am no tree! I am an Ent.
Merry: A tree-herder. A shepherd of the forest.
Pippin: Don`t talk to it, Merry. Don`t encourage it!
Bárbol: Treebeard, some call me.
Pippin: And whose side are you on?
Bárbol: Side? I am on nobody`s side because nobody`s on my side,
Little Orc. Nobody cares for the woods anymore.
Merry: We`re not Orcs! We`re Hobbits!
Bárbol: Hobbits? Never heard of a Hobbit before. Sounds Like Orc mischief to me! They come with fire. Gnawing, biting, breaking, hacking, burning! Destroyers and usurpers! Cruse them!
Merry: You don`t understand. We`re Hobbits! Halflings! Shire-folk!
Bárbol: Maybe you are and maybe you aren`t. The White Wizard will know.
Pippin: The White Wizard?
Merry: Saruman!
Gollum: See? See? We`ve led you out. Hurry, Hobbitses. Hurry! Very lucky we find you.
Nice Hobbit.
Sam: It`s a bog. He`s Led us into a swamp.
Gollum: A swamp, yes, yes. Come, master. We will take you on safe paths through the mist. Come, Hobbits! Come! We go quickly. I found it. I did. The way through the marshes. Orcs don`t use it. Orcs don`t know it.. They go around for miles and miles. Come quickly. Soft and quick as shadows we must be.
Sam: I hate this place. It`s too quiet. There`s been no sight nor sound of a bird for two days.
Gollum: No, no birdses to eat. No crunchable birdses.And we are famished! Yes! Famished we are, precious!
Frodo: Here.
Gollum: What does it eats? Is it tasty?Puajjj! It tries to chokes us! We can`t eats Hobbit food! We must starve!
Sam: Well, starve, then. And good riddance!
Gollum: Oh, cruel Hobbit. It does not care if we be hungry. Does not care if we should die. Not Like master. Master cares. Master knows. Yes. Precious.
Once it takes hold of us it never lets go.
Frodo: Don`t touch me!
Sam: There are dead things! Dead faces in the water.
Gollum: All dead. All rotten. Elves and Men and Orcses. A great battle Long ago. Dead Marshes. Yes. Yes, that is their name. This way. Don`t Follow the lights. careful now! Or Hobbits go down to join the dead ones and light Little candles
of their own.
Sam: Frodo!
Frodo: Gollum?
Gollum: Don`t Follow the lights.
Frodo: Gollum!
Sam: Mr. Frodo! Are you all right?
Gollum: So bright. So beautiful. Our precious.
Frodo: What did you say?
Gollum: Master should be resting. Master needs to keep
up his strength.
Frodo: Who are you?
Gollum: Mustn`t ask us. Not its business. Gollum! Gollum!
Frodo: Gandalf told me you were one of the river-folk.
Gollum: Cold be heart and hand and bone Cold be travelers
far from home.
Frodo: He said your Life was a sad story.
Gollum: They do not see what lies ahead When sun has falled
and moon is dead.
Frodo: You were not so very different from a Hobbit once.
Were you? Sméagol?
Gollum: What did you call me?
Frodo: That was your name once, wasn`t it? A Long time
Gollum: My name. My name. Sss... Sss... Sméagol.
Sam: Black Riders!
Gollum: Hide! Hide!
Sam: Come on, Frodo. Come on!
Gollum: Quick! They will see us! They will see us!
Sam: I thought they were dead.
Gollum: Dead? No, you cannot kill them. No.
Wraiths! Wraiths on wings! They are calling for it. They are calling
for the precious.
Sam: Mr. Frodo! It`s all right. I`m here.
Gollum: Hurry, Hobbits. The Black Gate is very close.
Gimli: Orc blood.
Aragorn: These are strange tracks.
Gimli: The air is so close in here.
Legolas: This forest is Old. Very Old. Full of memory and
anger. The trees are speaking to each other.
Aragorn: Gimli. Lower your ax.
Legolas: They have feelings, my friend. The Elves began
it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak.
Gimli: Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about?
Except the consistency of squirrel droppings.
Legolas: Aragorn, nad no ednas (Something`s out there)
Aragorn: Man cenich? (What do you see?)
Legolas: The White Wizard approaches.
Aragorn: Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us.
We must be quick.
Gandalf: You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits.
Aragorn: Where are they?
Gandalf: They passed this way the day before yesterday.
They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?
Aragorn: Who are you? Show yourself!
It cannot be.
Legolas: Forgive me. I mistook you for Saruman.
Gandalf: I am Saruman. Or rather, Saruman as he should
have been.
Aragorn: You fell.
Gandalf: Through fire and water. From the lowest dungeon
to the highest peak I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth.
Until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the
mountainside. Darkness took me and I strayed out of thought and
Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age
of the Earth. But it was not the end. I felt life in me again.
I`ve been sent back until my task is done.
Aragorn: Gandalf.
Gandalf: Gandalf? Yes.That was what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
Gimli: Gandalf.
Gandalf: I am Gandalf the White. And I come back to you
now at the turn of the tide.
One stage of your journey is over. Another begins. We must travel
to Edoras with all speed.
Gimli: Edoras? That is no short distance!
Aragorn: We hear of trouble in Rohan. It goes ill with
the king.
Gandalf: Yes, and it will not be easily cured.
Gimli: Then we have run all this way for nothing?Are we
to Leave those poor Hobbits here in this horrid, dark, dank, tree-infested--?
I mean, charming, quite charming forest.
Gandalf: It was more than mere chance that brought Merry
and Pippin to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for
many Long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be Like the
falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains.
Aragorn: In one thing you have not changed, dear friend.You
still speak in riddles.
Gandalf: A thing is about to happen that has not happened
since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that
they are strong.
Gimli: Strong?! Oh, that`s good.
Gandalf: So stop your fretting, Master Dwarf. In fact,
they are far safer than you are about to be.
Gimli: This new Gandalf`s more grumpy than the Old one.
Legolas: That is one of the Mearas unless my eyes are cheated
by some spell.
Gandalf: Shadowfax. He is the lord of all horses and has
been my friend
through many dangers.
Bárbol: O rowan mine
I saw you shine
Upon a summer`s day
Upon your head
How golden red
The crown you bore aloft
Such a beautiful verse.
Pippin: Is it much further?
Bárbol: Bru-ra-hroom. Don`t be hasty. You might call it
far, perhaps.
My home lies deep in the forest near the roots of the mountain.
I told Gandalf I would keep you safe. And safe is where I`ll keep
I believe you will enjoy this next one too. It`s one of my own
compositions. Right.
Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves
And the dreams of trees unfold
When woodland hails are green and cool
And the wind is in the West
Come back to me. Come back to me
And say my land is best
Sleep, Little Shirelings. Heed no nightly noise. Sleep till morning
Light. I have business in the forest. There are many to call.
Many that must come. The Shadow lies on Fangorn.The withering
of all woods is drawing near.
Gandalf: The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes
shape. Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dûr,
his Eye watches ceaselessly. But he is not so mighty yet that
he is above fear. Doubt ever gnaws at him. The rumor has reached
him. The heir of Nûmenor still lives. Sauron fears you,
Aragorn. He fears what you may become. And so he`ll strike hard
and fast at the world of Men. He will use his puppet, Saruman,
to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself, and
therein lies our first challenge for Rohan is weak and ready to
fall. The king`s mind is enslaved, it`s an Old device of Saruman`s.
His hold over King Théoden is now very strong. Sauron and
Saruman are tightening the noose. But for all their cunning we
have one advantage.The Ring remains hidden.And that we should
seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams. And
so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards Mordor in the hands
of a Hobbit. Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom.
We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed and
the secrecy of his quest. Do not regret your decision to leave
him. Frodo must finish this task alone.
Aragorn: He`s not alone. Sam went with him.
Gandalf: Did he? Did he, indeed? Good. Yes, very good.
Gollum: The Black Gate of Mordor.
Sam: Oh, save us. My Old Gaffer would have a thing or two
to say if he could see us now.
Gollum: Master says to show him the way into Mordor. So
good Sméagol does, master says so.
Frodo: I did.
Sam: That`s it, then. We can`t get past that.
Orientales: ¡Za dashu snaku Zigur, Durbgu nazgshu, Durbgu
dashshu! (¡Salve Sauron, Señor del Anillo, Señor de la Tierra!)
Sam: Look! The gate. It`s opening! I can see a way down.
Frodo: Sam! No!
Gollum: Master!
Frodo: I do not ask you to come with me, Sam.
Sam: I know, Mr. Frodo. I doubt even these Elvish cloaks
will hide us in there.
Frodo: Now!
Gollum: No! No! No, master! They catch you! They catch
you! Don`t take it to him. He wants the precious. Always he is
Looking for it. And the precious is wanting to go back to him.
But we mustn`t let him have it.
No! There`s another way. More secret. A dark way.
Sam: Why haven`t you spoken of this before?
Gollum: Because master did not ask.
Sam: He`s up to something.
Frodo: Are you saying there`s another way into Mordor?
Gollum: Yes. There`s a path and some stairs. And then.
. . a tunnel.
Frodo: He`s Led us this far, Sam.
Sam: Mr. Frodo, no.
Frodo: He`s been true to his word.
Sam: No.
Frodo: Lead the way, Sméagol.
Gollum: Good Sméagol always helps.
Merry: Hello? Treebeard? Where has he gone?
Pippin: I had the loveliest dream last night. There was
this large barrel, full of pipe-weed. And we smoked all of it.
And then you were sick. I`d give anything for a whiff of Old Toby.
Merry: Did you hear that? There it is again. Something`s
not right here. Not right at all.
You just said something Treeish.
Pippin: No, I didn`t. I was just stretching.
Merry: You`re taller.
Pippin: Who?
Merry: You!
Pippin: Than what?
Merry: Than me!
Pippin: I`ve always been taller than you.
Merry: Pippin, everyone knows I`m the tall one. You`re
the short one.
Pippin: Please, Merry. You`re what? Three-foot-six? At
the most?
Whereas me, I`m pushing 3`7``.
Merry: Three-foot-eight. You did something.
Pippin: Merry, don`t! Don`t drink it! Merry!
No, Treebeard said that you shouldn`t have any.
Merry: I want some!
Pippin: It could well be dangerous! Give me it back. Merry!
What`s happening?! It`s got my leg!
Pippin: Merry! Help!
Bárbol: Away with you. You should not be waking. Eat earth.
Dig deep. Drink water. Go to sleep. Away with you. Come, the forest
is waking up. It isn`t safe.
The trees have grown wild and dangerous.Anger festers in their
hearts. Black are their thoughts. Strong is their hate. They will
harm you if they can. There are too few of us now. Too few of
us Ents left to manage them.
Pippin: Why are there so few of you when you have lived
so Long? Are there Ent children?
Bárbol: Bru-ra-hroom. There have been no Entings for a
terrible Long count of years.
Merry: Why is that?
Bárbol: We lost the Entwives.
Pippin: Oh, I`m sorry. How did they die?
Bárbol: Die? No. We lost them. And now we cannot find them.
I don`t suppose you`ve seen Entwives in the Shire?
Merry: Can`t say that I have. You, Pip?
Pippin: What do they Look Like?
Bárbol: I don`t remember now.
Gandalf: Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There
dwells Théoden, King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown.
Saruman`s hold over King Théoden is now very strong.
Éowyn: My lord, your son... he is dead. My lord? Uncle?
Will you not go to him? Will you do nothing?
Gandalf: Be careful what you say. Do not Look for welcome
Gríma: Oh, he must have died sometime in the night.What
a tragedy for the king to lose his only son and heir. I understand.
His passing is hard to accept. Especially now that your brother
has deserted you.
Éowyn: Leave me alone, snake!
Gríma: Oh, but you are alone.Who knows what you`ve spoken
to the darkness in the bitter watches of the night when all your
Life seems to shrink.The walls of your bower closing in about
you. A hutch to trammel some wild thing in. So fair. So cold.
Like a morning of pale spring still clinging to winter`s chill.
Éowyn: Your words are poison.
Gimli: You`ll find more cheer in a graveyard.
Háma: I cannot allow you before Théoden King so
armed, Gandalf Greyhame.By order of Gríma Wormtongue.
Your staff.
Gandalf: You would not part an Old man from his walking
Gríma: My Lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming. He`s a herald
of woe.
Gandalf: The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened
of late Théoden King.
Gríma: He`s not welcome.
Théoden: Why should I welcome you Gandalf Stormcrow?
Gríma: A just question, my liege.
Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Láthspell
I name him. Ill news is an ill guest.
Gandalf: Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your
teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked
words with a witless worm.
Gríma: His staff. I told you to take the wizard`s staff.
Gandalf: Théoden son of Thengel too long have you
sat in the Shadows.
Gimli: I would stay still if I were you.
Gandalf: Hearken to me! I Release you from the spell.
Théoden: Ja, ja, ja! You have no power here Gandalf the
Gandalf: I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from
a wound.
Aragorn: Wait.
Saruman: If I go, Théoden dies.
Gandalf: You did not kill me, you will not kill him.
Saruman: Rohan is mine.
Gandalf: Be gone.
Théoden: I know your face. Éowyn. Éowyn. Gandalf?
Gandalf: Breathe the free air again, my friend.
Théoden: Dark have been my dreams of late.
Gandalf: Your fingers would remember their Old strength
better if they grasped your sword.
Gríma: Ah! I`ve only ever served you, my Lord.
Théoden: Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on
all fours like a beast!
Gríma: Send me not from your sight.
Aragorn: No, my Lord! No, my Lord. Let him go. Enough blood
has been spilt on his account.
Gríma: Get out of my way!
Háma: Hall, Théoden King!
Théoden: Where is Théodred?Where is my son?
Éowyn: Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended
giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende on Meduselde...
Théoden: Simbelmynë. Ever has it grown on the tombs
of my forebearers. Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas
that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the
Old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house.
Gandalf: Théodred`s death was not of your making.
Théoden: No parent should have to bury their child.
Gandalf: He was strong in Life. His spirit will find its
way to the hails of your fathers.
Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu.
Éowyn: They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the
Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go.
Rick, cot and tree.
Freda: Where is Mama?
Éowyn: Sssh.
Gandalf: This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman
will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear
of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your
women and children. You must fight.
Aragorn: You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak.
Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for
their king.
Théoden: They will be 300 leagues from here by now.Éomer
cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me but I will not
bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war.
Aragorn: Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it
or not.
Théoden: When last I looked Théoden, not Aragorn,
was king of Rohan.
Gandalf: Then what is the king`s decision?
Háma: By order of the king the city must empty. We make
for the refuge of Helm`s Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures.
Take only what provisions you need.
Gimli: Helm`s Deep. They flee to the mountains when they
should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?
Aragorn: He`s only doing what he thinks is best for his
people. Helm`s Deep has saved them in the past.
Gimli: There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden
is walking into a trap. He thinks he`s Leading them to safety.
What they will get is a massacre.
Gandalf: Théoden has a strong will, but I fear for
him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before
the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defences
have to hold.
Aragorn: They will hold.
Gandalf: The Grey Pilgrim. That`s what they used to call
me. Three hundred lives of Men I`ve walked this earth, and now
I have no time.With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look
to my coming at first Light on the fifth day. At dawn, Look to
the east.
Aragorn: Go.
Rohir: That horse is half mad, my Lord. There`s nothing
you can do.
Rohir2: Leave him.
Aragorn: Fæste! Stille nú, fæste... Hwæt nemnað ðe? (Tranquilo,
tranquilo... ¿cuál es tu nombre?)
Éowyn: His name is Brego. He was my cousin`s horse.
Aragorn: Brego? Ðin nama is cynglic. (Brego Your name is
Éowyn: I have heard of the magic of Elves but I did not
Look for it in a Ranger from the North. You speak as one of their
Aragorn: I was raised in Rivendell for a time. Turn this
fellow free. He`s seen enough of war.
Saruman: Gandalf the White. Gandalf the Fool! Does he seek
to humble me with his newfound piety?
Gríma: There were three who followed the wizard. An Elf,
a Dwarf and a Man.
Saruman: You stink of horse.
The Man was he from Gondor?
Gríma: No, from the North. One of the Dûnedain Rangers,
I thought he was. His cloth was poor. And yet he bore a strange
ring. Two serpents with emerald eyes. One devouring, the other
crowned with golden flowers.
Saruman: The Ring of Barahir. So Gandalf Greyhame thinks
he has found Isildur`s heir. The lost king of Gondor. He is a
fool. The line was broken years ago. It matters not. The world
of Men shall fall. It will begin at Edoras.
Théoden: I am ready, Gamling. Bring my horse. This is not
a defeat. We will return.We will return.
Aragorn: You have some skill with a blade.
Éowyn: Women of this country learned Long ago: Those without
swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain.
Aragorn: What do you fear, my Lady?
Éowyn: A cage. To stay behind bars until use and Old age
accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or
Aragorn: You`re a daughter of kings a shieldmaiden of Rohan.
I do not think that would be your fate.
Gríma: Théoden will not stay at Edoras. It`s vulnerable.
He knows this. He will expect an attack on the city. They will
flee to HeIm`s Deep, the great fortress of Rohan. It is a dangerous
road to take through the mountains. They will be slow. They will
have women and children with them.
Saruman: Send out your Warg-riders.
Sam: Hey, stinker, don`t go getting too far ahead.
Frodo: Why do you do that?
Sam: What?
Frodo: Call him names. Run him down all the time.
Sam: Because... Because that`s what he is, Mr. Frodo. There`s
naught left in him but lies and deceit. It`s the Ring he wants.
It`s all he cares about.
Frodo: You have no idea what it did to him, what it`s still
doing to him. I want to help him, Sam.
Sam: Why?
Frodo: Because I have to believe he can come back.
Sam: You can`t save him, Mr. Frodo.
Frodo: What do you know about it? Nothing!
I`m sorry, Sam. I don`t know why I said that.
Sam: I do. It`s the Ring. You can`t take your eyes off
it. I`ve seen you. You`re not eating. You barely sleep. It`s taken
hold of you, Mr. Frodo.You have to fight it.You have to fight
Frodo: The Ring was entrusted to me. It`s my task. Mine!
My own!
Sam: Can`t you hear yourself? Don`t you know who you sound
Gollum: We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious.
They stole it from us. Sneaky Little Hobbitses. Wicked. Tricksy.
No. Not master.
Yes, precious. False. They will cheat you, hurt you, lie!
Master`s my friend.
You don`t have any friends. Nobody Likes you.
Not listening. I`m not listening.
You`re a liar and a thief.
Go away.
Go away? Ja, ja, ja!
I hate you. I hate you.
Where would you be without me? Gollum. Gollum. I saved us.It was
me. We survived because of me.
Not anymore.
What did you say?
Master Looks after us now. We don`t need you.
Leave now and never come back.
Leave now and never come back.
Leave now and never come back!
We told him to go away. And away he goes, precious. Gone! Gone!
Gone! Sméagol is free!
Gollum: Look. Look. See what Sméagol finds? Je,
je, je. Oooh. They are young. They are tender. They are nice.
Yes, they are. Eat them. Eat them!
Sam: You`ll make him sick, you will behaving like that.
There`s only one way to eat a brace of coneys.
Gollum: What`s it doing? Stupid, fat Hobbit. It ruins it.
Sam: What`s to ruin? There`s hardly any meat on them. What
we need is a few good taters.
Gollum: What`s taters, precious? What`s taters? Eh?
Sam: Po-ta-toes. Boil them, mash them, stick them in a
stew. Lovely, big, golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish.
Gollum: Prrfff.
Sam: Even you couldn`t say no to that.
Gollum: Oh, yes, we could. Spoil a nice fish. Give it to
us raw and wriggling. You keep nasty chips.
Sam: You`re hopeless.
Mr. Frodo?
Sam: Who are they?
Gollum: Wicked Men. Servants of Sauron. They are called
to Mordor. The Dark One is gathering all armies to him. It won`t
be Long now. He will soon be ready.
Sam: Ready to do what?
Gollum: To make his war. The last war that will cover all
the world in Shadow.
Frodo: We`ve got to get moving. Come on, Sam.
Sam: Mr. Frodo. Look. It`s an oliphaunt. No one at home
will believe this.
Frodo: Sméagol?
We`ve lingered here too Long. Come on, Sam.
Sam: Eh!
Wait! We`re innocent travelers!
Faramir: There are no travelers in this land. Only servants
of the Dark Tower.
Frodo: We are bound to an errand of secrecy. Those that
claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us.
Faramir: The enemy?His sense of duty was no less than yours,
I deem. You wonder what his name is where he came from. And if
he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats Led him on this
Long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed there
in peace. War will make corpses of us all. Bind their hands.
Gimli: It`s true, you don`t see many Dwarf women. And in
fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they`re often
mistaken for Dwarf men.
Aragorn: It`s the beards.
Gimli: This, in turn, has given rise to the belief that
there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarves just spring out of holes
in the ground.
Éowyn: ¡Ja, ja, ja!
Gimli: which is, of course, ridiculous.
It`s all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate.
Théoden: I haven`t seen my niece smile for a long time.
She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down
by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief. Then she was
left alone, to tend her king in growing fear.
Doomed to wait upon an old man, who should have loved her as a
Éowyn: Gimli?
Gimli: No, I couldn`t. I really couldn`t.
Éowyn: I made some stew. It isn`t much, but it`s hot.
Aragorn: Thank you. It`s good.
Éowyn: Really?
My uncle told me a strange thing. He said that you rode to war
with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken.
Aragorn: King Théoden has a good memory. He was
only a small child at the time.
Éowyn: Then you must be at least 60. Seventy? But you cannot
be 80!
Aragorn: Eighty-seven.
Éowyn: You are one of the Dúnedain. A descendant
of Númenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your
race had passed into legend.
Aragorn: There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom
was destroyed Long ago.
Éowyn: I`m sorry. Please, eat.
Arwen: The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane.
It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart.
Go to sleep
Aragorn: I am asleep. This is a dream.
Arwen: Then it is a good dream.
Aragorn: Minlû pedich nin i aur hen telitha (You told me
once this day would come.)
Arwen: U i vethed, na i onnad. (This is not the end, it
is the beginning.) Bóe bedich go Frodo, han bâd lîn. (You must
go with Frodo. That is your path.)
Aragorn: Dolen i vâd o nin. (My path is hidden from me.)
Arwen: Si peliannen i vâd na dail lîn. (It is already Laid
before your feet.) Si boe ú-dhannathach (You cannot falter now.)
Aragorn: Arwen.
Arwen: Ae u-esteliuách nad, estelio han, estelio ammen.
(If you trust nothing else, trust this, trust us.)
Éowyn: Where is she? The woman who gave you that jewel.
Elrond: Our time here is ending. Arwen`s time is ending.
Let her go. Let her take the ship into the west. Let her bear
away her Love for you to the Undying Lands. There it will be ever
Aragorn: But never more than memory.
Elrond: I will not leave my daughter here to die.
Aragorn: She stays because she still has hope.
Elrond: She stays for you. She belongs with her people.
Arwen: Nach gwannatha sin? (Is this how you would take
your leave?)
Ma nathach hi gwannathach or minuial archened? (Did you think
you could slip away at first Light - unnoticed?)
Aragorn: Ú-ethelithon. (I will not be coming back.)
Arwen: Estelio guru lîn ne dagor. Ethelithach. (You underestimate
your skill in battle. You will come back.)
Aragorn: Ú-bedin o gurth ne dagor. (It is not of death
in battle that I speak.)
Arwen: O man pedich? (What do you speak of?)
Aragorn: Edra le men, men na guil edwen, haer o auth a
nîr a naeth. (You have a chance for another Life, away from war.
. .grief. . .despair.)
Arwen: Why are you saying this?
Aragorn: I am mortal. You are Elf-kind. It was a dream,
Arwen. Nothing more.
Arwen: I don`t believe you.
Aragorn: This belongs to you.
Arwen: It was a gift. Keep it.
Éowyn: My Lord?
Aragorn: She is sailing to the Undying Lands with all that
is left of her kin.
Gamelin: What is it? Háma?
Háma: I`m not sure.
Legolas: A scout!
Théoden: What is it? What do you see?
Aragorn: Warg! We`re under attack! Get them out of here!
Théoden: All riders to the head of the column.
Gimli: Come on. Get me up here. I`m a rider. Come on!
Théoden: You must lead the people to Helm`s Deep, and make
Éowyn: I can fight.
Théoden: No! You must do this, for me.
Follow me!
Gimli: Forward. I mean, charge forward.
Éowyn: Make for the lower ground!
Gimli: That`s it! Go on!
Éowyn: Stay together!
Théoden: ¡A la carga!
Gimli: Bring your pretty face to my ax.
That one counts as mine!
Stinking creature.
Legolas: Aragorn!
Gimli: Aragorn?!
Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing.
Uruk: He`s... dead. He took a little tumble off the cliff.
Legolas: You lie.
Théoden: Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard
will return. Leave the dead. Come.
Mujer: At last! Helm`s Deep.
Mujer2: There it is, Helm`s Deep.
Mujer3: We`re safe! We`re safe, my lady. Thank you.
Freda: Mama!
Mujer: Eothain!
Mujer: Freda!
Éowyn: Where is the rest?
Rohir: This is all we could save, my lady.
Éowyn: Take it to the caves.
Rohir: Make way for the king.Make way for Théoden.
Make way for the king.
Éowyn: So few. So few of you have returned.
Théoden: Our people are safe. We have paid for it with
many lives.
Gimli: My lady.
Éowyn: Lord Aragorn. . .where is he?
Gimli: He fell.
Théoden: Draw all our forces behind the wall. Bar the gate.
And set a watch on the surround.
Hombre: What of those who cannot fight, my Lord? The women
and children?
Théoden: Get them into the caves. Saruman`s arm will have
grown long indeed if he thinks he can reach us here.
Gríma: Helm `s Deep has one weakness. Its outer wall is
solid rock but for a small culvert at its base, which is little
more than a drain
How? How can fire undo stone? What kind of device could bring
down the wall?
Saruman: If the wall is breached, Helm`s Deep will fall.
Gríma: Even if it is breached, it would take a number beyond
reckoning thousands, to storm the Keep.
Saruman: Tens of thousands.
Gríma: But, my Lord, there is no such force.
Saruman: A new power is rising. Its victory is at hand.
This night, the land will be stained with the blood of Rohan!
March to Helm`s Deep! Leave none alive! To war!
There will be no dawn for Men.
Pippin: Look. There`s smoke to the south.
Bárbol: There is always smoke rising from Isengard these
Merry: Isengard?
Bárbol: There was a time, when Saruman would walk in my
woods. But now he has a mind of metal and wheels. He no Longer
cares for growing things.
Pippin: What is it?
Merry: It`s Saruman`s army. The war has started.
Arwen: May the grace of the Valar protect you.
Aragorn: Brego.
Elrond: Arwen Tollen i lû. I chair gwannar na Valannor.
Si bado, no círar. (Arwen, It is time. The ships are leaving for
Valinor. Go now before it is too late.)
Arwen: I have made my choice.
Elrond: He is not coming back.Why do you linger here when
there is no hope?
Arwen: There is still hope.
Elrond: If Aragorn survives this war, you will still be
parted. If Sauron is defeated and Aragorn made king and all that
you hope for comes true you will still have to taste the bitterness
of mortality. Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time,
Aragorn will die. And there will be no comfort for you, no comfort
to ease the pain of his passing. He will come to death, an image
of the splendor of the kings of Men, in glory undimmed before
the breaking of the world. But you, my daughter, you will linger
on in darkness and in doubt, as nightfall in winter hat comes
without a star. Here you will dwell bound to your grief,under
the fading trees,until all the world is changed and the long years
of your Life are utterly spent. Arwen. There is nothing for you
here, only death.
A im, ú-`erin veleth lîn? (Do I not also have your Love?)
Arwen: Gerich meleth nîn, ada (You have my Love, father.)
Galadriel: I amar prestar aen. han mathon ne nen. han mathon
ne chae. a han noston ned `wilith.
The power of the enemy is growing. Sauron will use his puppet,
Saruman to destroy the people of Rohan. Isengard has been unleashed.
The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor, the last free kingdom of
Men. His war on this country will come swiftly. He senses the
Ring is close. The strength of the Ring bearer is failing. In
his heart, Frodo begins to understand the quest will claim his
Life. You know this. You have foreseen it. It is the risk we all
took. In the gathering dark, the will of the Ring grows strong.
It works hard now to find its way back into the hands of Men.
Men, who are so easily seduced by its power. The young captain
of Gondor has but to extend his hand, take the Ring for his own,
and the world will fall. It is close now,So close to achieving
its goal. For Sauron will have dominion over all life on this
Earth, even unto to the ending of the world. The time of the Elves
is over. Do we leave Middle earth to its fate? Do we let them
stand alone?
Faramir: What news?
Hombre de Gondor: Our scouts report Saruman has attacked
Rohan. Théoden`s people have fled to Helm`s Deep. But we
must look to our own borders.Faramir, Orcs are on the move.
Gondoriano: Sauron is marshalling an army. Easterlings
and Southrons are at the Black Gate.
Faramir: How many?
Gondoriano: Some thousands. More come every day.
Faramir: Who`s covering the river to the north?
Gondoriano: We pulled 500 men at Osgiliath. If their city
is attacked, we won`t hold it.
Faramir: Saruman attacks from Isengard. Sauron from Mordor.
The fight will come to Men on both fronts. Gondor is weak. Sauron
will strike us soon. And he will strike hard. He knows now we
do not have the strength to repel him.
Faramir: My men tell me that you are Orc spies.
Sam: Spies? Now wait just a minute.
Faramir: Well, if you`re not spies, then who are you? Speak.
Frodo: We are Hobbits of the Shire. Frodo Baggins is my
name, and this is Samwise Gamgee.
Faramir: Your bodyguard?
Sam: His gardener.
Faramir: And where is your skulking friend? That gangrel
creature. He had an ill-favored look.
Frodo: There was no other. We set out from Rivendell with
seven companions. One we lost in Moria. Two were my kin. A Dwarf
there was also. And an Elf and two Men. Aragorn, son of Arathorn,
and Boromir of Gondor.
Faramir: You`re a friend of Boromir?
Frodo: Yes. For my part.
Faramir: It will grieve you then to learn that he is dead.
Frodo: Dead? How? When?
Faramir: As one of his companions, I`d hoped you would
tell me.
Frodo: If something has happened to Boromir, we would have
you tell us.
Faramir: His horn washed up upon the riverbank, about six
days past. It was cloven in two. But more than this, I know it
in my heart. He was my brother.
Gondorianos: Boromir! Boromir! Boromir!
Boromir: This city was once the jewel of our kingdom. A
place of light and beauty and music. And so it shall be once more!
Gondorianos: Yes!
Boromir: Let the armies of Mordor know this: Never again
will the land of my people fall into enemy hands.
Gondorianos: Yes!
Boromir: This city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed for
Gondorianos: Yes!
Boromir: For Gondor! For Gondor!
Faramir: Good speech. Nice and short.
Boromir: Leaves more time for drinking! Ja, ja, ja!
Faramir: Ja, ja, ja!
Boromir: Break out the ale! These men are thirsty!
Remember today, Little brother. Today, Life is good.
Faramir: He`s here.
Boromir: Moment of peace, can he not give us that?
Denethor: Where is he? Where is Gondor`s finest? Where`s
my first-born?
Boromir: Father!
Denethor: They say you vanquished the enemy almost single-handedly.
Boromir: They exaggerate. The victory belongs to Faramir
Denethor: But for Faramir, this city would still be standing.
Were you not entrusted to protect it?
Faramir: I would have done, but our numbers were too few.
Denethor: Oh, too few. You let the enemy walk in and take
it on a whim. Always you cast a poor reflection on me.
Faramir: That is not my intent.
Boromir: You give him no credit, and yet he tries to do
your will. He Loves you, Father.
Denethor: Do not trouble me with Faramir. I know his uses,
and they are few. We have more urgent things to speak of. Elrond
of Rivendell has called a meeting. He will not say why, but I
have guessed its purpose. It is rumored that the weapon of the
enemy has been found.
Boromir: The One Ring. Isildur`s Bane.
Denethor: It has fallen into the hands of the Elves. Everyone
will try to claim it: Men, Dwarves, wizards. We cannot let that
happen. This thing must come to Gondor.
Boromir: Gondor.
Denethor: It`s dangerous, I know.Ever the Ring will seek
to corrupt the hearts of lesser Men. But you, you are strong.
And our need is great. It is our blood which is being spilled,
our people who are dying.
Sauron is biding his time. He`s massing fresh armies. He will
return. And when he does, we will be powerless to stop him. You
must go. Bring me back this mighty gift.
Boromir: No. My place is here with my people. Not in Rivendell.
Denethor: Would you deny your own father?
Faramir: If there is need to go to Rivendell, send me in
his stead.
Denethor: You? Oh, I see. A chance for Faramir, captain
of Gondor, to show his quality. I think not. I trust this mission
only to your brother. The one who will not fall me.
Boromir: Remember today, Little brother.
Gondoriano: Captain Faramir! We found the third one.
Faramir: You must come with me. Now.
Down there. To enter the Forbidden Pool bears the penalty of death.
They wait for my command. Shall I shoot?
Gollum: The rock and pool
Is nice and cool
So juicy sweet
Our only wish
To catch a fish
So juicy sweet
Frodo: Wait. This creature is bound to me. And I to him.
He is our guide. Please, let me go down to him.
Sméagol, Master is here.Come, Sméagol. Trust master. Come.
Gollum: We must go now?
Frodo: Sméagol, you must trust master. Follow me.
Come on. Come. Come, Sméagol. Nice Sméagol. That`s
it. Come on.
Don`t hurt him! Sméagol, don`t struggle. Sméagol,
listen to me.
Gollum: Master!
Faramir: That`s enough.
Where are you Leading them? Answer me.
Gollum: Sméagol. Why does it cry, Sméagol?
Cruel Men hurts us. Master tricksed us.
Of course he did. I told you he was tricksy. I told you he was
Master is our friend. Our friend.
Master betrayed us!
No. Not its business. Leave us alone!
Filthy Little Hobbitses! They stole it from us!
No, no.
Faramir: What did they steal?
Gollum: My precious! Baaaaah!
Sam: We have to get out of here. You go. Go, now. You can
do it. Use the Ring, Mr. Frodo. Just this once. Put it on. Disappear.
Frodo: I can`t. Tenías razón, Sam. You were right, Sam.
You tried to tell me but, I`m sorry. The Ring`s taking me, Sam.
If I put it on he`ll find me. He`ll see.
Sam: Mr. Frodo.
Faramir: So this is the answer to all the riddles. Here
in the wild I have you, two Halflings and a host of men at my
call. The Ring of Power within my grasp. A chance for Faramir,
captain of Gondor to show his quality.
Frodo: No!
Sam: Stop it! Leave him alone. Don`t you understand? He`s
got to destroy it!That`s where we`re going, into Mordor. To the
Mountain of Fire!
Gondoriano: Osgiliath is under attack. They call for reinforcements.
Sam: Please. It`s such a burden. Will you not help him?
Gondoriano: Captain?
Faramir: Prepare to Leave.
The Ring will go to Gondor.
Aragorn: Mae carnen Brego, mellon nin (Bien hecho Brego,
amigo mío.)
Gimli: Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I`m
going to kill him! You are the luckiest, the canniest and the
most reckless man I ever knew. Bless you, laddie.
Aragorn: Gimli, where is the king?
Legolas: Le ab dollen. (You`re late.) You look terrible.
Aragorn: Hannon le. (thank you)
Théoden: A great host, you say?
Aragorn: All Isengard is emptied.
Théoden: How many?
Aragorn: Ten thousand strong at least.
Théoden: Ten thousand?
Aragorn: It is an army bred for a single purpose: To destroy
the world of Men. They will be here by nightfall.
Théoden: Let them come!
I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready
for battle by nightfall.
We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has
ever breached the Deeping Wall, or set foot inside the Hornburg!
Gimli: This is no rabble of mindless Orcs.These are Uruk-hai.
Their armour is thick and their shields broad.
Théoden: I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know
how to defend my own keep.
They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman`s
hordes will pillage and burn. We`ve seen it before. Crops can
be resown homes rebuilt. Within these walls we will outlast them.
Aragorn: They do not come to destroy Rohan`s crops or villages.
They come to destroy its people, down to the last child.
Théoden: What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their
courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would
have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance.
Aragorn: Send out riders, my Lord. You must call for aid.
Théoden: And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not
so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead.
Aragorn: Gondor will answer.
Théoden: Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?!
Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where
was Gon--? No, my Lord Aragorn, we are alone.
Get the women and children into the caves.
Gamelin: We need more time to lay provisions...
Théoden: There is no time. War is upon us.
Gamelin: Secure the gate.
Bárbol: We Ents have not troubled about the wars of Men
and wizards for a very Long time. tiempo, But now, something is
about to happen that has not happened for an age. Entmoot.
Merry: What`s that?
Bárbol: `Tis a gathering.
Merry: A gathering of what?
Bárbol: Beech. Oak. Chestnut. Ash... Good. Good. Good.
Many have come. Now we must decide if the Ents will go to war.
Rohir: Move back! Move to the caves! Come on, people! Quickly,
Aragorn: We`ll place the reserves along the wall. They
can support the archers from above the gate.
Legolas: Aragorn, you must rest. You`re no use to us half
Éowyn: Aragorn! I`m to be sent with the women into the
Aragorn: That is an honourable charge.
Éowyn: To mind the children, to find food and bedding when
the men return. What renown is there in that?
Aragorn: My Lady, a time may come for valor without renown.
Who then will your people Look to in the last defense?
Éowyn: Let me stand at your side.
Aragorn: It is not in my power to command it.
Éowyn: You do not command the others to stay! They fight
beside you because they would not be parted from you. Because
they Love you. I`m sorry.
Aragorn: Farmers, farriers, stable boys.... These are no
Gimli: Most have seen too many winters.
Legolas: Or too few. Look at them. They`re frightened.
I can see it in their eyes. Boe a hyn, neled herain dan caer menig
(And they should be, Three hundred against ten thousand!)
Aragorn: Si beriathar hýn. Ammaeg nâ ned Edoras (They have
more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras)
Legolas: Aragorn, nedin dagor hen ú-`erir ortheri. ¡Natha
daged dhaer! (They cannot win this fight. They are all going to
Aragorn: Then I shall die as one of them!
Gimli: Let him go, lad. Let him be.
Gamelin: Every villager able to wield a sword has been
sent to the armoury.
My Lord?
Théoden: Who am I, Gamling?
Gamelin: You are our king, sire.
Théoden: And do you trust your king?
Gamelin: Your men, my Lord, will follow you to whatever
Théoden: To whatever end.
Where is the horse and the rider?
Where is the horn that was blowing?
They have passed like rain on the mountains,
Like wind in the meadow,
The days have gone down in the West
behind the hills, into Shadow.
How did it come to this?
Merry: It`s been going for hours. They must have decided
something by now.
Bárbol: Decided? No. We only just finished saying good
Merry: But it`s nighttime already. You can`t take forever.
Bárbol: Don`t be hasty.
Merry: We`re running out of time!
Rohir: Move! Move to the outer wall.
Aragorn: Give me your sword. What is your name?
Haleth: Haleth, son of Háma, my Lord.The men are
saying we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless.
Aragorn: This is a good sword, Haleth, son of Háma.
There is always hope.
Legolas: We have trusted you this far. You have not led
us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.
Aragorn: Ú-moe edhored, Legolas (There is nothing to forgive,
Gimli: We had time, I`d get this adjusted. It`s a Little
tight across the chest.
Legolas: That is no orc horn.
Rohir: Send for the king. Open the gate!
Théoden: How is this possible?
Haldir: I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance
once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died
together. We come to honor that allegiance.
Aragorn: Mae govannen, Haldir. (welcome, Haldir) You are
most welcome.
Haldir: We are proud to fight alongside men once more.
Gimli: You could have picked a better spot.
Well, lad, whatever luck you live by, let`s hope it lasts the
Legolas: Your friends are with you, Aragorn.
Gimli: Let`s hope they last the night.
Aragorn: A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn, an uben tanatha
le faelas! (Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none!)
Gimli: What`s happening out there?
Legolas: Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like
me to find you a box?
Gimli: Ja, ja, ja!
Aragorn: Dartho! (hold!)
Théoden: So it begins.
Aragorn: Tangado a chadad (Prepare to fire!)
Legolas: Faeg i-varv din na lanc a nu ranc! (Their armour
is weak at the neck and beneath the arm.)
Aragorn: Hado i philinn! (Release Arrows!)
Gimli: Did they hit anything?
Théoden: Give them a volley.
Gamelin: Fire!
Gimli: Send them to me! Come on!
Aragorn: Pendraith! (Ladders!)
Gimli: Good!
Aragorn: Swords! Swords!
Gimli: Legolas! Two already!
Legolas: I`m on 17!
Gimli: I`ll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!
Legolas: Nineteen!
Pippin: Merry.
Bárbol: We have just agreed.
Merry: Yes?
Bárbol: I have told your names to the Entmoot and we have
agreed you are not orcs.
Pippin: Well, that`s good news.
Merry: And what about Saruman? Have you come to a decision
about him?
Bárbol: Now, don`t be hasty, Master Meriadoc.
Merry: Hasty? Our friends are out there.They need our help.
They cannot fight this war on their own.
Bárbol: War? Yes. It affects us all. Tree, root and twig.But
you must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a Long time to say
anything in old Entish and we never say anything unless it is
worth taking a Long time to say.
Gimli: Seventeen! Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty! Twenty-one!
Aragorn: ¡Na fennas! (Causeway!) ¡Hado ribed! ¡Hado!
Théoden: Is this it? Is this is all you can conjure, Saruman?
Aragorn: ¡Togo hon dad Legolas! ¡Dago hon! ¡Dago hon! (Bring
him down, Legolas! Kill him!)
Théoden: Brace the gate!
Hold them! Stand firm!
Gimli: Aragorn!
Aragorn: Gimli!
Hado i philinn, ¡Herio! ( Charge!)
Bárbol: The Ents cannot hold back this storm. We must weather
such things as we have always done.
Merry: How can that be your decision?!
Bárbol: This is not our war.
Merry: But you`re part of this world! Aren`t you?! Aren`t
you? You must do something.
Bárbol:You are young and brave, Master Merry. But your
part in this tale is over. Go back to your home.
Pippin: Maybe Treebeard`s right. We don`t belong here,
Merry. It`s too big for us.It`s too big for us. What can we do
in the end? We`ve got the Shire. Maybe we should go home.
Merry: The fires of Isengard will spread, and the woods
of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green
and good in this world will be gone. There won`t be a Shire, Pippin.
Théoden: Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out
of there!
Aragorn: Na barad! Na barad! Haldir, Na barad! (To the
Keep!) .
Haldir: Na barad!
Gimli: What are you doing? What are you stopping for?
Aragorn: ¡Haaldiiir!
Théoden: To the gate. Draw your swords!
Aragorn: Retreat!
Gamelin: Make way!
Gamelin: We cannot hold much Longer!
Théoden: Hold them!
Aragorn: How Long do you need?
Théoden: As Long as you can give me.
Gimli: Come on. We can take them.
Aragorn: It`s a Long way.Es un salto largo.
Gimli: Toss me.
Aragorn: What?
Gimli: I cannot jump the distance! You`ll have to toss
me! Oh!, don`t tell the Elf.
Merry: Not a word.
Théoden: Hold fast the gate!
Gimli! Aragorn! Get out of there!
Legolas: Aragorn!
Théoden: Pull everybody back. Pull them back.
Gamelin: Fall back! Fall back!
Aragorn: They have broken through! The castle is breached.
Gamelin: Fall back! Retreat!
Aragorn: Hurry! Inside. Get them inside!
Théoden: Into the Keep!
Bárbol: I will leave you at the western borders of the
forest. You can make your way north to your homeland from there.
Pippin: Wait! Stop! Stop! Turn around. Turn around. Take
us south.
Bárbol: South? But that will Lead you past Isengard.
Pippin: Yes. Exactly. If we go south, we can slip past
Saruman unnoticed. The closer we are to danger, the farther we
are from harm. It`s the last thing he`ll expect.
Bárbol: That doesn`t make sense to me. But then, you are
very small. Perhaps you`re right. South it is, then. Hold on,
little Shirelings. I always like going south. Somehow it feels
like going downhill.
Merry: Are you mad? We`ll be caught.
Pippin: No, we won`t. Not this time.
Gondoriano: Look! Osgiliath burns! Mordor has come.
Frodo: The Ring will not save Gondor. It has only the power
to destroy. Please, let me go.
Faramir: Hurry.
Frodo: Faramir! You must let me go!
Bárbol: Humm, And those Little family of field mice that
climb up sometimes,and they tickle me awfully. They`re always
trying to get somewhere where they. . . ¡Oh! Many of these trees
were my friends. Creatures I had known from nut and acorn.
Merry: I`m sorry, Treebeard.
Bárbol: They had voices of their own. Saruman.A wizard
should know better!
There is no curse in Elvish, Entish or the tongues of Men for
this treachery.
Pippin: Look! The trees! They`re moving!
Merry: Where are they going?
Bárbol: They have business with the Orcs. My business is
with Isengard tonight, with rock and stone.
Merry: Yes.
Bárbol: Burrarrum! Come, my friends.The Ents are going
to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. Last march of the
Gondoriano: Faramir! orcs have taken the eastern shore.
Their numbers are too great. By nightfall we will be overrun.
Sam: Mr. Frodo?
Frodo: It`s calling to him, Sam. His Eye is almost on me.
Sam: Hold on, Mr. Frodo. You`ll be all right.
Faramir: Take them to my father. Tell him Faramir sends
a mighty gift. A weapon that will change our fortunes in this
Sam: Do you want to know what happened to Boromir?You want
to know why your brother died? He tried to take the Ring from
Frodo, after swearing an oath to protect him! He tried to kill
him! The Ring drove your brother mad!
Gondoriano: Watch out!
Sam: Mr. Frodo?
Frodo: They`re here. They`ve come.
Faramir: Nazgûl!
Stay here. Keep out of sight. Take cover!
Théoden: The fortress is taken. It is over.
Aragorn: You said this fortress would never fall while
your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending
Aragorn: Is there no other way for the women and children
to get out of the caves? Is there no other way?
Gamelin: There is one passage. It leads into the mountains.
But they will not get far. The Uruk-hai are too many.
Aragorn: Tell the women and children to make for the mountain
pass. And barricade the entrance!
Théoden: So much death. What can men do against such reckless
Aragorn: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.
Théoden: For death and glory.
Aragorn: For Rohan. For your people.
Gimli: The sun is rising.
Gandalf: Look to my coming at first light, on the fifth
day. At dawn look to the east.
Théoden: Yes.Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand, shall sound
in the Deep one last time.
Gimli: Yes!
Théoden: Let this be the hour when we draw swords together.Fell
deeds, awake. Now for wrath now for ruin and a red dawn.
Théoden: Forth Eorlingas!
Aragorn: Gandalf!
Gandalf: Théoden King stands alone.
Éomer: Not alone. Rohirrim!
Théoden: Éomer!
Éomer: To the king!
Merry: Yes!
Bárbol: A hit. A fine hit. Uah!
Break the dam. Release the river!
Merry: Pippin! Hold on!
Bárbol: Hold on, little Hobbits.
Sam: What are you doing? Where are you going?
It`s me. It`s your Sam. Don`t you know your Sam?
Frodo: I can`t do this, Sam.
Sam: I know. It`s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn`t even
be here. But we are. It`s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo.The
ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were.
And sometimes you didn`t want to know the end, because how could
the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was
when so much bad had happened?
Théoden: Victory! We have victory!
Sam: But in the end, it`s only a passing thing this shadow.
Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun
shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories
that stayed with you, that meant something. Even if you were too
small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.
I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning
back, only they didn`t. They kept going because they were holding
on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?
Sam: That there`s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And
it`s worth fighting for.
Faramir: I think at last we understand one another, Frodo
Gondoriano: You know the laws of our country, the laws
of your father. If you let them go, your Life will be forfeit.
Faramir: Then it is forfeit. Release them.
Eomer: Stay out of the forest! Keep away from the trees!
Legolas: Final count, 42.
Gimli: Forty-two? That`s not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish
princeling.I myself am sitting pretty on 43.
Legolas: Forty-three.
Gimli: He was already dead.
Legolas: He was twitching.
Gimli: He was twitching because he`s got my ax embedded
in his nervous system!
Merry: He doesn`t Look too happy, does he?
Pippin: Not too happy at all, Merry.
Merry: Still, I suppose the view would be quite nice from
up there.
Pippin: Oh, yes. It`s a quality establishment. I hear the
staff are very good. What are you doing?
Merry: Nothing. The world`s back to normal, that`s all.
Pippin: No, it isn`t. I`m starving.
Merry: Good luck trying to find something decent around
here. Probably dead rats and moldy bread.
Saruman`s storeroom!
Pippin: I don`t believe it.
Merry: It can`t be.
Pippin: It is!
Merry: The finest pipe-weed in South Farthing.
Pippin: It`s perfect. One barrel each. Wait. Do you think
we should share it with Treebeard?
Merry: Share it? No, no. Dead plant and all that. Don`t
think he`d understand. Could be a distant relative.
Pippin: I get it. Don`t be hasty.
Merry: Exactly.Burrarrum! Ja, ja, ja!
Pippin: Ja, ja, ja!
Faramir: This is the old sewer. Runs right under the river
through to the edge of the city. You`ll find cover in the woods
Sam: Captain Faramir, you have shown your quality, sir.
The very highest.
Faramir: The Shire must truly be a great realm, Master
Gamgee, where gardeners are held in high honor. What road will
you take once you reach the woods?
Frodo: Gollum says there`s a path near Minas Morgul that
climbs up into the mountains.
Faramir: Cirith Ungol? Is that its name?
Gollum: No! No! Yes.
Faramir: Frodo, they say a dark terror dwells in the passes
above Minas Morgul. You cannot go that way.
Gollum: It is the only way. Master says we must go to Mordor,
so we must try.
Frodo: I must.
Faramir: Go, Frodo. Go with the goodwill of all Men.
Frodo: Thank you.
Faramir: May death find you quickly if you bring them to
Sam: Come on, keep up. Mr. Frodo didn`t mean for them Rangers
to hurt you. You know that, don`t you? He was trying to save you,
Gollum: Save me?
Sam: So there`s no hard feelings. Forgive and forget.
Gollum: No, no, no hard feelings.Gollum! Gollum! Yes, master.
Nice Hobbits.
Sam: Very decent of you. Very decent, indeed, Gollum.
Gandalf: Sauron`s wrath will be terrible, his retribution
swift. The battle for Helm`s Deep is over. The battle for Middle-earth
is about to begin. All our hopes now lie with two Little Hobbits,
somewhere in the wilderness
Sam: I wonder if we`ll ever be put into songs or tales.
Frodo: What?
Sam: I wonder if people will ever say, ``Let`s hear about
Frodo and the Ring. `` And they`ll say, ``Yes! That`s one of my
favorite stories." ``Frodo was really courageous,
wasn`t he, Dad?`` ``Yes, my boy.The most famousest of Hobbits.
And that`s saying a lot. ``
Frodo: Well, you`ve Left out one of the chief characters:
``Samwise the Brave.`` I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn`t
have got far without Sam.
Sam: Now, Mr. Frodo, you shouldn`t make fun. I was being
Frodo: So was I .
Sam: ``Samwise the Brave. ``
Frodo: Sméagol?
Sam: We`re not going to wait for you. Come on.
Gollum: Master. Master Looks after us. Master wouldn`t
hurt us.
Master broke his promise.
Don`t ask Sméagol. Poor, poor Sméagol.
Master betrayed us. Wicked. Tricksy. False. We ought to wring
his filthy little neck. Kill him! Kill him! Kill them both! And
then we take the precious and we be the master!
But the fat Hobbit, he knows. Eyes always watching.
Then we stabs them out. Put out his eyeses and make him crawl.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Kill them both.
Yes. No! No! It`s too risky. It`s too risky.
Sam: Where is he? Where has he gone? Hey, Gollum! Where
are you?
Frodo: Sméagol?
Gollum: We could let her do it.
Yes. She could do it.
Yes, precious, she could. And then we takes it once they`re dead.
Once they`re dead. shhh.
Come on, Hobbits. Long ways to go yet. Sméagol will show
you the way.
Follow me.